
Congratulations! You made it! 


On this page you can post your answers to the following reflective questions:


  1. What were your favorite digital storytelling tools/apps and why?
  2. Do you believe mobile digital storytelling is useful in the classroom? Why? Why not?
  3. What digital storytelling presentations from other participants impressed you? Why?
  4. How will you use the information learned in this session with your young learners? Please be specific. 


Also, we would love for you to include a personal not in our Linoit Sticky Wall. Below are the responses. Here's the link http://linoit.com/users/shellterrell/canvases/DS4YLs2013Reflections




We would ask you to leave your ideas in the comments section below, and respond to comments made by other participants. Please mark your comment with the number.


All projects should be emailed to Posterous at digitalstorytellingevo2013@posterous.com, as in previous weeks.