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Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 11 years, 7 months ago

Congratulations! You made it! 


On this page you can post your answers to the following reflective questions:


  1. What were your favorite digital storytelling tools/apps and why?
  2. Do you believe mobile digital storytelling is useful in the classroom? Why? Why not?
  3. What digital storytelling presentations from other participants impressed you? Why?
  4. How will you use the information learned in this session with your young learners? Please be specific. 


Also, we would love for you to include a personal not in our Linoit Sticky Wall. Below are the responses. Here's the link http://linoit.com/users/shellterrell/canvases/DS4YLs2013Reflections




We would ask you to leave your ideas in the comments section below, and respond to comments made by other participants. Please mark your comment with the number.


All projects should be emailed to Posterous at digitalstorytellingevo2013@posterous.com, as in previous weeks.

Comments (11)

Thushara said

at 5:38 am on Feb 12, 2013

1. My favourite digital storytelling tool is Voice Thread! This is because it is easy to use and seems to be exactly what I would like to use to initiate communication among the students in a telecollaborative project which I hope to implement soon! :-)
2. Mobile digital storytelling is certainly useful to motivate active participation in and between classrooms.
3. I liked all the digital presentations as they were all unique and helped me to understand and learn the variety of ways in which digital storytelling tools could be used in YL classrooms.
3. I will certainly use the tools ( especially collaborative, comic making) tools in the current research project that I am working on. Thanks so much to all the moderators and participants for teaching me so much!

mgdebianchetti said

at 8:38 am on Feb 12, 2013

1.I like Voicethread very much. I agree with Thushara, it’s easy to use and fosters collaboration. Dvolver because it is very easy to use, specially for those who are just getting to know these tools. For those a little more experienced, I prefer Go-Animate because it is more creative. Photopeach is very nice for teenagers because they can upload their own stuff.
2.Yes, I DO. I do because classes can be much more interesting and motivating for all ages. I think Ss learn about what strategies are the most effective in solving certain problems, there is critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity.
3.I agree with Thushara again, I liked all of them. I learnt different things with each of the tools they used. But I want to mention LaQuita’photopeach: Class Expectation , Sandy Peters’photopeach quiz:What are they doing? and Marijana’s photopeach quiz Frankestein because I could see in the 3 presentations useful examples for classes and a different way of presenting these grammar topics and of evaluation (the last one).
4.For presenting new topics, for evaluations, for assignments: presentations, biographies, create short stories. I'll try to use the tools everywhere as much as possible.

Janet Bianchini said

at 8:55 am on Feb 12, 2013

1. My faviourite digital storytelling tool is Voicethread, too. The thrill of reading and listening to contributions on my collaborative story was amazing! I also enjoyed contributing to stories from fellow participants - it was very interesting to see all the stories evolve in such an imaginative and creative manner.

In 2nd place, I'd also like to add Creaza - I think it offers quite a lot of different options for using the tool in a variety of ways.

2. Absolutely! I think mobile digital storytelling opens up so much more scope for sharing activities on a global scale. This adds an extra dimension to tasks set by teachers, and pupils learn different skills as a result.

3. I was very impressed by everyone's presentations. Each one was special and unique, and an excellent showcase of the particular tool used. I learned so much from viewing the huge range of tools demonstrated, and they have inspired me to try out similar projects in the future.

4. I don't generally teach Young Learners, but I often do courses aimed at Primary school teachers of EFL, to help them update their techniques for teaching. This excellent course will provide a rich resource for me to dip into for future lesson ideas. I will also be able to share the tools I have come across on this session, with teachers I train in the future. If it runs next year, I will definitely encourage other teachers to do this course, as it is so useful and practical to learn more about how to motivate Young Learners!!

Many thanks to all the moderators and participants for being such an inspiration, and for sharing so much :-))

Aysel Abbasova said

at 2:43 am on Feb 13, 2013

1. I loved most of the digital- storytelling tools such as Animoto, Photopeach, Toondoo, Roxio, Glogster etc. . But my favourite one has become Voicethread, as well. First of all, it can be used for a vast variety of activities. It can easily be adjusted to teach all levels, or to improve listening and speaking, reading and writing skills. Voicethread can also save teachers' lesson time. For example, while teaching Listening and speaking to a group of 16-17 students, it is really hard to get everyone involved in a discussion or a debate within a relatively short period of time. This is a good chance for students to express themselves on the topic assigned and get the teacher's feedback on their fluency, accuracy etc. What is more, this tool enables weak students to feel more confident and work on their pronunciation , usage errors etc. Finally, it is just fun to use!
2. I have been impressed my lots of stories created by our participants. Some of them inspired even inspired me a lot. I especially liked London quiz by , Marisa's True story on Voicethread, The story about princess, Sandy's Photopeach quiz (What are they doing?) and so on.
3. As I am not working with young learners, I am going to adjust everything for my adult students. I'll probably use most of the tools in my Digital Storytelling class. Moreover, I will apply some tools to improve my students' listening and speaking, reading and writing skills, as well as their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. I am also thinking of having some collaborative projects between various groups I teach. Finally, I can't wait to share all these tools with my colleagues so that they can also apply them in hteir own classes. Thank you again for such an amazing session!

Eileen Hurley said

at 6:21 am on Feb 13, 2013

1. I really enjoyed using Animoto. Some of the comic tools are more time-consuming than others, so I still need to play around more with the options to decide what will work best for me. I think Voicethread might be the place to start with sharing what I've learned with colleagues. It seems to me to be the most applicable in a classroom setting.
2. Some of the comic creators that allow kids to work with familiar characters like Garfield will probably be a good place to start, but I think it will be better in the long run for kids to be able to work with original images: Bubblr, Comic Strip Generator, Phrase It, Voice Thread, etc.
3. Voki! I need to spend more time on that. I was impressed with what people were able to do with it.
4. I won't have the opportunity in my current role to use the tools with young learners, but I have already started to use them to appeal to young learners to promote the library, specific books, and upcoming author visits. I have created comics to advertise all of the above through homeroom teachers and on school video displays.
I've learned so much. Thanks to everyone for all the effort!

Faten Romdhani said

at 10:58 am on Feb 13, 2013

Hi everyone
Dear participants and moderators
I cannot thank you enough for the enormous assistance, help and inspiration you showed during our EVO digital storytelling session. This is the first time I enrol in EVO online classes, though I've heard about them long ago. I do blame myself now, for not enrolling in these wonderful classes before. Anyway, I'm more and more committed and convinced that these sessions are fo great help to all teachers around the world. It is really very noble of you to share these tips and engage teachers in a very reflective practice. In fact, I have been trying many tools so far, but the one that fascinated me is Voicethread. It is a perfect tool and user-friendly application ( though at some moment, I had some trouble making my thread public). Why is it perfect? because it is integrating all skills at the same time. Leraners speak, listen, write , imagine, create and share their stories with their peers. Such a collaborative digital storytelling is more fascinating than lone contrinbutions. The thrill,the fascination and the engagement is of a great value in Voicethread. I cannot describe the very positive impact and interest it had on me especially when my fellow participants added to a thread I posted or liked or commented it. Such a caring community is certainly a mirror of what might be created in a classroom environment. This experience would certainly boost the learners' confidence and helps them cooperate and learn from each other.

Faten Romdhani said

at 10:58 am on Feb 13, 2013

As a matter of fact, I learned much from my fellow particpants projects. They have been very creative, unique and very inspirational. Sylvia, Janet, Marisa, Eva, Elizabeth, Michelle, Maria ....have added a lot to my experience in such a short span of time. They've all impresed me. As for using what I learnt with young learners, I will do my best to raise their awareness (as you know, I'm teaching in a very low-tech environment, though my learners are keen on using mobile devices and quite digital) about these online tools. I will certainly give them a list of these tools, and try to incorporate these digital storytelling tools or even the comic tools creators in my lessons and assign them as homework then share their links on my blog in order to spur their creativity and encourage them to grow more digital.
Though I am so sad these sessions are coming to the end , but I do promise to keep around and enrol in more sessions so as to keep in touch with this wonderful community of teachers and educationalists from all corners of the world. Last but not least, I'd liketo share wish you a very happy Valentine and scream out loud: LOVE YOU ALL !
My Best Regards

Bonnie Blagojevic said

at 8:54 pm on Feb 13, 2013

And thanks to you, Faten, for your warmth and caring, and to all for the supportive comments and generous sharing of ideas. Nice to consider so many children will benefit from this exhange:^)

What were your favorite digital storytelling tools/apps and why?
My interest is more with mobile apps then web-based because Internet access is a problem in many settings with young children I am involved with. I was glad to discover/try Doodlecast Pro and am still a fan of Puppet Pals HD as I like tools for younger learners that can pull in as much of their own creation and invention as possible, with photo and/or video, audio, drawing, etc. I was very happy to have a chance to play in the sandbox, and will definitely be incorporating many web tools into an online course for undergrads on tech tools next fall. And to the wonderful story examples shared, for inspiration!
Do you believe mobile digital storytelling is useful in the classroom? Why? Why not?
Yes, it is! With the "magic" of seeing their drawings recreated stroke by stroke (as in Doodlecast for kids) and/or hearing their own voice recording attached to their drawings, and being able to share and have their "voice" recognized, young children's view of themselves as storytellers takes on additional dimensions. A "new view" of themselves and delight in their work, as well as ability to control the tools and replay their stories independently.
What digital storytelling presentations from other participants impressed you? Why?
There were many wonderful contributions-hard question. I bookmarked "Having Fun with Math" to share with future undergrad elementary students, because I thought it provided a great contrast between old and now teaching/learning methods, engaging and BORING, in a humorous way.
How will you use the information learned in this session with your young learners? Please be specific.
Will try out lots of tools, get comfortable with them, and then "mix and match" as needed :^)

Maria Rita said

at 9:58 am on Feb 14, 2013

My favourite storytelling tool? It's hard. I feel like a kid in a room full of toys. I liked Little Bird Tales, Photopeach and GoAnimate. But the list is long and I still have to experiment with other suggested tools. I think that even if the course is over, I'm not going to stop playing.
At the moment I can't use mobile storytelling devices because many of my students, partly because of their young age and partly because of their digital know-how, either don't have a mobile or don't know how to use apps. The ones having a mobile phone are busy with texting; the most technologically advanced use it to update their Facebook wall and chat. We'll see what happens in the near future.
I loved all your presentations. I'm still going through some of them and it's hard to pick only one. You've created amazing stories.
I am already using some of the things I learned in this course with my students: I have already shown them the London tour quiz created with Photopeach and I'm going to use Little Bird Tales for a presentation about Irish cities to introduce a research project. I think I will ask them to produce a story using a comic strip generator or to share their opinions on the musical we are going to see on a lino canvas. That's a start! :-)
Thank you all, dear moderators and participants, for being always supportive and inspiring.

Gil said

at 4:45 pm on Feb 15, 2013

My favorite story teliing tools were Animoto and Photopeach but I also liked Voicethread and ComicBeliefs.
I´m sure a class planned with mobile digital story telling with motivate the students a lot specially when they see their work in the apps.
There were many beautiful and touching stories which impressed me by their creativity.
As I don´t teach kids I will have to adapt some of the tool to use with my adult students. I´m sure they will enjoy creating dialog produce with goanimate or any other tool. Thank you very much for your help.

mario said

at 12:57 pm on Feb 16, 2013

My favourite story telling tool was/ is goanimate and Animoto. Thanks to these tools I will be able to design lesson plans and presentations which will motivate learners and appeal to them more successfully.

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