

Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 12 years, 3 months ago

We'd like to thank our 2012 Moderators for being the first to design this EVO. They included Shelly Terrell, Esra Girgin, Barbara Sakamoto, Özge Karaoglu, Jennifer Verschoor, David Dodgson, Michelle Worgan, Sabrina De Vita,  and our mentor, Elizabeth Anne! Please read their bios and connect with them here, http://digitalstorytelling4kids.pbworks.com/w/page/60923724/2012Moderators


You will find 2012 Participants in this PDF here!


These are the 2012 Digikids Webinar Recordings below:


EVO Launch Webcast & GooglePlus HangOut

Week 1 Webinar

January 14, 08:00 GMT (recording)

Week 2 Webinar

January 21, 13h00 GMT (recording)

Week 3 Webinar -

THURSDAY 26th  13h00 GMT (recording) 

Week 4 Webinar

February 4th 13hGMT (recording)

Week 5 Webinar

February 11th 11:00 GMT (recording)


These are the 2012 Weekly Summaries below:


Week 1 Discussion Summary (Online Safety and Creative Commons) 

Week 1 Activity Summary

Week 2 Summary

Week 4 Summary


Week 2 Comic Items:


Our linoit collection of Ideas for Using Comics in Class. (please add your ideas to the wall!)


Digitalstorytelling4kids Week 2 on PhotoPeach


Digitalstorytelling4kids Week 2 on PhotoPeach


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