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Page history
last edited
by Jennifer Verschoor 11 years, 5 months ago
Meet Your 2013 Moderators
Shelly Sanchez Terrell
I am so happy to help you in your digital storytelling journey! We will have a lot of fun so get ready to tap into your imagination! I am a teacher trainer, author, and international speaker. I have trained teachers from over 100 countries online and face-to-face. When I am not training teachers, I am organizing conferences and reaching out to teachers as the host of American TESOL's Free Friday Webinars and the Social Media Community Manager for The Consultants-E. I have co-founded and organized the acclaimed educational projects, Edchat, ELTON nominated ELTChat, The Reform Symposium E-Conference and the ELTON nominated Virtual Round Table conference. I have traveled to over 15 countries worldwide to train teachers and consult with organizations such as UNESCO Bangkok, The European Union aPLaNet Project, Cultura Iglesa of Brazil, the British Council in Tel Aviv, and the British Council in South East Asia. Visit my blog, Teacher Reboot Camp, to find free resources about the effective integration of technology with learners. Keep an eye out for my book, The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators which will be published by Eye on Education. Participate with nearly 10000 other educators worldwide in the online completion of these goals.
My Online Portfolio
Twitter- @ShellTerrell
Facebook- ShellyTerrell
Free Weekly Webinars
Michelle Worgan |
I have been teaching English since 1999, when I graduated with a degree in French and Spanish Studies and decided I wanted to go to live in Spain.
Since then, I have worked in Madrid, Naples, Granada and Jerez, teaching learners of all ages and abilities. I am especially interested in teaching and creating materials for young learners, and I often write about my ideas on my blog. I am also interested in CLIL and I designed my own course for five to seven year olds which you can find on the website I set up for it (see links below). I try to incorporate technology into my teaching, although I don't have many facilities to help me do so! I am very happy to join this team of moderators for EVO 2012. I will be co-moderating with some fantastic professionals onDigital Storytelling for Young Learners and I hope we will be able to share our experience with many teachers looking to try out new things with their classes.
Email: michelleworgan@gmail.com
Twitter ID: @michelleworgan
Blog: http://inspireyourlearners.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.wix.com/michelleworgan/fivesixseven
Özge Karaoğlu
Hi everyone! This is Özge from Istanbul Turkey. I am an English teacher of young learners,author and a teacher trainer in teaching young/very young learners + teaching with web based technologies. I am the author of "Minigon" readers series that aims at teaching English to EFL learners. I am also working for Mindactiva in the USA as the educational and the content coordinator of YES I SPeak English DVD series.
I have done many projects with my kids. I have led the projects where my kids have created the very first cartoon, very first digital games series and very first i-phone/i-pad application that are drawn, coloured, animated and dubbed by kindergarten children in the world.
I have been awarded with “Creativity and Innovation Award” , “Microsoft Award for Outstanding Teachers” and “Highly Commended“ for the last past years. I have recently been awarded with the “New Writing Award” by ESU and Cambridge University Press and been invited to Buckingham Palace to get my award from the Duke of Edinburg Prince Philip.
You can find me blog here:http://ozgekaraoglu.edublogs.org/
or here : http://www.techlearning.com/index
and tweet me here: http://twitter.com/ozge
David Dodgson
I'm David Dodgson, an EFL teacher at a private college in Ankara, Turkey. I've been working with young learners (aged 8-12) since 2002 and, over the last few years, I have started to explore effective use of technology in the classroom (albeit with limited resources at my disposal!) and give workshops at various conferences in Turkey and online. I have also recently completed an MA in Educaitonal Technology and TESOL with the University of Manchester. I am proud to a part of the Digital Storytelling for Young Learners team, especially as several of my co-moderators have played an important role in the massive change that has come about for me professionally over the last 18 months through my PLN: the chance to guest blog on Barbara's Teaching Village really helped kick start my own blog; Özge was one of the first people to follow me on Twitter and helped me realise how it could be a great way to find and share resources; and Shelly has helped and encouraged me in so many ways, particularly with webinars and online conferences. Blog: www.davedodgson.com
Email: dave.dodgson@gmail.com Twitter: @DaveDodgson Skype: dave.dodgson500
Jennifer Verschoor
Hello everybody. I am Jennifer Verschoor an EFL teacher from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently I am working as the Coordinator of New Technologies for the Teaching of English at a Bilingual School. As a proud WEBHEAD since 2005, I owe this vibrant community all I know about the integration of ICT into my daily teaching scenarios. I´ve been an online moderator in various TESOL Electronic Village Online sessions since 2007. I also work as a teacher trainer and course coordinator at ESSARP, specialized in Technology Integration in the classroom. This year I started a Master´s degree in Virtual Environments and began writing my first e-book for young learners. I have been awarded with the Scholarship to attend WorldCALL 2008 Using Technologies for Language Learning, 3 rd International Conference in Fukuoka, Japan. This year I´ve been awarded the BESIG scholarship to attend IATEFL 2012 in Glasgow and another scholarship at NILE in Norwich.
In my e-portofolio you will be able to observe my experience integrating several Web 2.0 tools into the classroom or check my blog www.jenverschoor.wordpress.com
Skype: jenverschoor Twitter: @jenverschoor email:jenverschoor@gmail.com Second Life: Tamara Ashton |
Esra Girgin
Hello all! I am very excited to be part of this amazing team! I have been teaching English to Young/Very Young Learners for 9 years. I am currently working at Terakki Foundation Schools in Istanbul, Turkey. I am oral examiner for British Council and ambassador of Voki.com I am a teacher trainer, international speaker and a blogger and interested in using technology in education. You may visit my blog: Esra's Englishous Blog
Email: esragirgin@hotmail.com
Twitter ID: @ekamin
Elizabeth Anne is the Digital Storytelling for Young Learners mentor. She teaches English to Physics students in Grenoble, France and was an illiterate Physicist herself. Here website is http://www.elang.eu
Twitter ID: @eannegrenoble
Eva Buyuksimkesyan <evabsimkesyan@yahoo.com>
Eva Buyuksimkesyan is an EFL teacher and a teacher trainer in Turkey. She is passionate about teaching and interested in integrating technology into her lessons.
Twitter ID: @Evab2001
My blog: http://evasimkesyan.edublogss.org A Journey in TEFL
Marisa Constantinides
Hi all and a warm welcome to the online workshop.
I'm Marisa Constantinides, a teacher educator/trainer from Athens, Greece, ELT materials writer and conference speaker.
I run CELT Athens, a centre offering a variety of TEFL training programmes, from TEFL and CELTA Certificates, to Cambridge DELTA courses. I train teachers face-to-face and online and am very active on social networks, especially on Twitter! I am also a moderator/co-founder of the ELTon nominated #ELTChat. You can find out about my centre and my courses, here
My blogs
TEFL Matters
Teaching & Learning Foreign Languages
I also maintain the #ELTchat Blog with my fellow moderators
Facebook Marisa Constantinides
Twitter ID: @Marisa_C
Email marisa.constantinides@gmail.com
Juan Uribe <juan.alberto.uribe@gmail.com>
Juan Uribe is an EFL teacher, teacher trainer, and international speaker based in Canada. He is interested in implementing storytelling and puppeteering in affective language learning with YLs through technology.
Twitter ID: @jaluribe |
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Comments (2)
Buket said
at 3:00 am on Jan 7, 2012
Dear Moderators ,
Thank you so much for your information about posting our welcome and adding photos.I have a great desire for learning new tools and skills.I had difficulty at first, but I think I succeeded in learning the tools.Thank you so much for your help:)I couldn't find the row at first but you helped and edited it.I am looking forward to your informative workshop and meeting colleagues around the globe:)))Regards,
Hanen Kechaou said
at 6:33 pm on Jan 13, 2013
Dear moderators,
Nice to meet you!
It's my first contribution to EVO sessions but it's my second experience in online learning as I enrolled to the British Council CLIL Essentials in May 2012. I'm very happy to learn new things and communicate with people from different nationalities, but I'm a bit lost as I didn't know where I set up my profile; I need your help, Am I going to receive unit letters to guide me??
Kind Regards,
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