

Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 12 years, 2 months ago

Frequently Asked Questions



Where do I find the syllabus?


Check out and download the syllabus here!


Can I download the syllabus?


Yes, download the syllabus here!


I'm not sure what the tasks are for this week. Where can I find them?

All of the tasks for each week are on the wiki page. That's where the entire syllabus is. Look on the right hand side of this page, and you'll see a box titled "Sidebar." In that box, you'll see links to all of the pages for the wiki. Each week has it's own page. So, to see what you'll be doing in any week, just click on the link to go to that page.


I don't know how to watch our meetings. What should I do?

The information, and link to our Elluminate room, where the webinar will take place, is on the wiki page for each week's syllabus. Here's the link for week 1:




Try to enter the room. If it works, great! If you still have problems, let us know and we'll have someone talk you through.


How do I submit posts to the posterous blog?

Send your post by email to: digitalstorytellingEVO2013@posterous.com

Include any images you want to have embedded in your post as email attachments.

In the body of your post, Include links to videos that you want to embed (like animoto or youtube).

In the subject line of your email, include the title of your post. Include the tags in double parentheses, like this: 

                                   Barb's 321 Introduction ((Wk1, 321Intro))


I'm getting too many emails from posterous! Can I change this?

Yes! You can change your email notifications through your posterous account settings. Go here to see how: http://helparchive.posterous.com/how-do-i-change-my-email-notification-setting-0


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