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Saved by Shelly S. Terrell
on November 30, 2011 at 11:16:18 pm

Weekly Outline


Week 5: Wrap-up 


During this week, participants will

  • collect various resources, links, and materials related to digital storytelling
  • share and discuss their own ideas for developing stories digitally
  • reflect on their learning and how they will apply these new discovered tools
  • revisit the tool playground
  • comment on each other’s stories
  • complete an online evaluation about their experience taking this course



Week 5 Tasks


Task 1, Days 1-2: Reflection 


a. In the Yahoo Group please share with us the answers to the following:

  • What was your favorite digital storytelling tool and why?
  • Do you believe mobile digital storytelling is useful in the classroom? Why? Why not?
  • What digital storytelling presentations from other participants impressed you? Why?
  • How will you use the information learned in this session with your young learners? Please be specific. 

b. Read and comment on other participants' reflections.



Task 2, Days 1-3: Pick a Sandbox Tool and Create a Story


Explore the various storytelling tools in our sandbox. Please use one of these tools to tell us a story about a person you admire. When you are finished playing with one of the tools, post a reflection of your experience in the Yahoo group and upload your story to the Posterous group. Comment on other participants' stories. 


Step 1. Tag and add a Title to your Posterous post ((tag: Wk1, 321Intro))!

You can add a Title and tags to your 321 post by including these in the Subject Line of your email. Your Title should be Your Name's 321 Introduction. To add tags through email, add tags in the subject of your email using the syntax ((tag: Wk1, 321Intro)). The tag syntax will not show up in the title of your post, but your post will be tagged with the tags you include. For more information on how this looks, please click here


Step 2. Be Creative

Many learners respond to visuals and multimedia. Posterous allows you to share video, images, and audio. Just attach any of these items to your email and it will automatically be posted.  You have a lot of freedom on how you would like to present the activity so be imaginative and creative. We are looking forward to seeing your stories! 


Step 3. Connect by Commenting

Before the end of this week try to comment on at least 2 other 3,2,1 posts. 



Task 3, Days 3-4: Evaluate the Session by Filling Out a Survey


Please let us know about your experience taking this course by filling out this survey! We appreciate it!



Task 4, Days 4-5: Attend our Webinar


We will be hosting a free webinar where you can showcase your stories, ask questions, and reflect on the sessions. If you cannot attend the webinar, we will be posting the recording.


Checklist of Week 5 Tasks 

I have.....

  • posted my course reflections in the Yahoo group
  • visited the Sandbox and created a story about a person I admire with one of the tools
  • posted my story to the Posterous group and commented on other projects
  • answered a survey to evaluate the course 
  • attended the live webinar or watched the recording 



Our Session Online Spaces




Week 5 Summary


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