

Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 12 years ago


Welcome to the 3rd week of our course! 

We will be looking into how to create video stories with our young learners this week.

Please feel free to ask anything that comes to your mind while using the tools!

We are here to help you!

Thank you for being here.

We are looking forward to learning with you!


Main Moderators- Ozge Karaoglu, Juan Uribe, Esra Girgin  
Co-moderators- Shelly Terrell, David Dodgson


"If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants." Isaac Newton


Weekly Outline 

Week 3: Video Stories with Young Learners


During this week, participants will

  • become familiar with web tools for creating video stories with YLs. 
  • learn how to produce video stories including pictures, audio, music, transitions, subtitles and animations.
  • explore ways to integrate video stories in lessons to boost writing, listening and speaking skills of the learners.
  • create a personal narrative or a documentary video story choosing one of the tools.




Week 3 Tasks


Task 1, Day 1: Getting Started With Video Stories:

Using video stories is a nice and big motivating push in the 21st century classrooms. It engages our learners into their own learning while boosting their listening, speaking and writing skills.


Let's start by reading Dave's blog post on video stories on Barbara's amazing blog, Teaching Village: Language, Camera, Action! Motivating Young Learners with Video.


Today, let's talk about our experience of using and creating video stories in our classes. Do you use videos in the clasroom? How do you integrate videos into your lessons? Do your students produce any videos? If so, which tools are you using?? How can we integrate videos into our lessons, what are your ideas? Post your ideas and please respond to comments made by other participants in our on the Wiki, http://digitalstorytelling4kids.pbworks.com/w/page/63009692/Wk%203%20Discussion


You want to explore more?? Here is a simple and a step by step guide for teachers to make videos on the web: Making Videos on the Web: A Guide for Teachers



Task 2, Day 2: Starting Off on the Right foot

There are many different tools to create video stories. Animoto and PhotoPeach are two of the tools that can help you to turn your pictures and videos into a video, with special transitions, effects, text and music. They are new, online and easier alternatives to Windows Movie Maker.


Let's create our accounts with Animoto or Photopeach if you don't have one already. You can watch the short videos for how to play with Animoto and PhotoPeach. (If you are going to use Photopeach, don't forget to try the quiz feature of Photopeach. It's cool!)


Let's discuss about how we can use these two tools in our classes with our students. Let's come up with some ideas and if you can, let's create our first videos about using these tools in our classrooms!


Post your ideas on the Wiki, http://digitalstorytelling4kids.pbworks.com/w/page/63009692/Wk%203%20Discussion and post your videos on Posterous.


Task 3, Day 3: Let's Get Animated

Animations have always been so popular among our students and now we can take up the opportunities to let our own students create their own animations using simple web based tools.


Let's have a look at GoAnimate or DomoAnimate and Dvolver today.You can watch the video tutorials for GoAnimate and DomoAnimate.


Let's discuss how we can integrate these two animation tools into our lessons. Let's come up with some ideas and if you can, let's create our first animations about using these tools in our classrooms!


Post your ideas on the Wiki, http://digitalstorytelling4kids.pbworks.com/w/page/63009692/Wk%203%20Discussion and post your videos on Posterous.



Task 4, Day 4: Videos for Every Classroom

Watch this video of Dave's class http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DYBFsEVv9Sw and visit http://www.smories.com/


What can be the pros and cons of using and creating videos in the classroom? Do the parents and your school let you to film your kids and publish them online?? Post your thoughts and ideas in the Wiki, http://digitalstorytelling4kids.pbworks.com/w/page/63009692/Wk%203%20Discussion


Webinar 1

Sunday, February 3rd at 16:00 GMT (17:00 Barcelona, 18:00 Istanbul/Cairo, 21:00 Bangkok/Jakarta, 12:00 Beijing, 01:00 Tokyo Monday, 03:00 Melbourne Monday)

(What time is this for you?)

Webinar Room Link- http://learningtimesevents.org/webheads/


If you have never used Elluminate before, you will need to join and create an account and download a program before you can join the session (all free), so be sure to allow yourself enough time (or take care of the set up prior to Saturday). We'll have moderators on Skype to help.



Task 5, Day 5 and 6: Tell us Your Favourite Tool

This week's project is to create a video story about your favourite digital storytelling tool after your three weeks in our EVO session.Please include your ideas on why you have chosen this tool and how you are going to use it in the classroom.


When you finish it, please share it with us on our Posterous. You can post it by sending an email to digitalstorytellingEVO2013@posterous.com

Write your name, include the link or the embed code of your video, add any comment about your project in the body of the mail, and include your title abd tags in the subject line.

(Like this:    Dave's Video Story ((tag: Wk3, videostories))  <--DON'T forget the double parentheses and "tag:" )

You have more time, please try more tools on the Sandbox, choose another video stories tool that you haven't tried yet and create your video and post in on Posterous.


Don't forget to leave comments on each other's video stories.



Checklist of Week 3 Tasks 

I have.....


  • taken part in a discussion on video stories.
  • created an account on Animoto or Photopeach and GoAnimate.
  • shared my ideas on how to use the tools that I have learnt in the classroom. 
  • played with some of the tools in the Sandbox and posted my reflections.
  • chosen one of the tools and made a video story. 
  • attended the live webinar or watched the recording.



Our Session Online Spaces


  • Our Wiki- hosts our bios, an outline of the syllabus, FAQs, weekly tasks, and resources
  • Our Livebinder of Resources- Click each tab to find a comprehensive list of our bookmarks, links, tools, etc. You can also copy this and edit it how you please. 
  • Posterous Spaces- This will be the place of your web portfolio of work.
  • DigiKids EVO Edmodo Group- for discussion and collaboration for participants.



Week 3 Summary/ Webinar Archive


Here's the link to the Week 3 Webinar in case you missed it, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SDY06wl44k&feature=youtu.be


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