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Saved by Shelly S. Terrell
on January 14, 2013 at 3:45:01 am



Attend our free hands-on online workshop on how to use web storytelling tools and mobile apps to motivate young learners. You can register for free Jan. 7-13th, 2013 by joining our DigiKids EVO Edmodo Group. NOTE: Our Edmodo Group Code is pi5dme Sessions begin Jan. 14, and run until Feb. 17th (5 weeks).



Meet your moderators! (Shelly Terrell, Özge Karaoglu, Marisa Constantinides, Esra Girgin, Jennifer Verschoor, David Dodgson, Michelle Worgan, Juan Uribe, Eva Buyuksimkesyan,  and our EVO Mentor- Elizabeth Anne)

Check out and download the syllabus!


Welcome to the Digital Storytelling for Young Learners EVO session 2013! We are excited to hear your stories and explore the ways you will use what you learn in your classroom! This is a quick overview of the 5 weeks:


Week 1: Introductions, Simple Online Digital Tools and the Basics

Week 2: Sharing Stories Through Comics

Week 3: Video Stories with Young Learners

Week 4: Collaborative Digital Stories

Week 5: Wrap-up of the course! 


We would like to thank our sponsors, the IATEFL Young Learners and Teenagers SIG, the JALT Teaching Children SIG and TESOL CALL-IS

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